What is risk analysis?

The world has become much more unstable, uncertain and unpredictable in recent years. Market volatility, armed conflict and political divisions have come to the fore, driving real challenges for states, multi-national companies and communities. In the longer term climate change, the challenge posed by China and the move towards renewable energy pose risks and opportunities. There is an urgent need to evaluate these global trends in order to get ahead of the curve and respond strategically. Geopolitical Risk Analysis is a framework by which we can equip individuals, businesses and states with the tools necessary to face the future with confidence.

For many people the idea of risk is all about the impact on them as individuals, their families and/or their communities.

Risks can range from everyday challenges like the cost of living crisis – the impact of inflation on disposable income, for instance – to sporadic acts of criminality visited on people in the street. Muggings, online phishing scams or burglaries might concentrate our minds more than, say, the broader socio-economic insecurity that drives people to commit these crimes in the first place. Nevertheless, it is vital that we see risks in the round, especially those cross-cutting different levels of security, from the individual to the global.

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

The proliferation of food banks or gaps in our supermarket shelves may worry us, though they probably wouldn’t directly impact on us if we had the disposable income to navigate them. Likewise, the risks associated with the loss of jobs in one sector of our economies may only be impactful if we are made redundant or lose a sub-contracting customer.

The reality is that if we can understand the connections between each of these risks and the impacts they can have on us as individuals, on businesses or on our states, we are much better poised to evaluate the impact of risk at the broader geopolitical level.

Geopolitical risk is, therefore, about the global strategic trends that have the potential to touch every living thing on the planet directly or indirectly. Therefore, they can have a far-reaching impact on people, communities, countries and the global economy. All of these things matter to us, too, though they may seem like distant problems or concerns, chiefly the responsibility of others to resolve.

Photo by Chris LeBoutillier on Unsplash

The important point to keep in mind here is that geopolitics can impact on all us and our interests, whether they take place primarily on the political, economic, social or cultural dimensions of life. Having a thorough grasp on how they do so, directly or indirectly, where they cross-cut and intersect, and what that might mean is the business of geopolitical risk analysis.

What can a geopolitical risk analysis approach offer?

With extensive experience in providing Geopolitical Risk Analysis to governments in over 30 countries around the world, we are uniquely placed to provide up-to-date strategic intelligence reports on countries, regions and global trends that are currently impacting on communities, businesses and states. As well-travelled strategic advisors, our team specialise not only in diagnosing security problems but also in offering comprehensive solutions on the best ways to tackle them.

Photo by Koshu Kunii on Unsplash

GLOBAL STRATEGIC RISKS has extensive experience in delivering research-led accessible briefings to the highest levels of society around the world. Our focus is on global strategic trends, from assessing the likely direction of conflict in Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, to the impact of political decision-making and multilateralism in South America or South Asia. We can provide credible, well-informed reports based on Open Source Intelligence products, intimate context specific knowledge by tapping into our network of regional specialists, and by way of rigorous academic analysis presented in a concise and accessible manner. We are experienced at briefing across all government levels and in a variety of sectors.

Please email info@globalstrategicrisks.com with your requirements.